Be still & know that I am God...Psalm 46:10

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A HOME INVASION..... house was invaded yesterday by ladybugs.  they were everywhere.  guess it was the warm weather.  i've always loved ladybugs.  my most favorite ladybug story is about the time samantha ate one when she was a baby.  she was sitting by the window when she saw one crawling along the track inside the window.  i didn't think she could get it bc honestly i didn't think she had the dexterity (big word lol) yet to manipulate her little fingers between the track and actually grab the ladybug.  so i stepped out of the room for a minute leaving her and her new little friend by themselves.  when i came back she was chomping away.  i ran over and opened her mouth but it was too late.  ladybug parts were everywhere.  lol.  oh well.  i'm sure they're a good source of protein or something.  so yesterday i tried to get a picture of this cute little creature.  i actually stole this idea i think from megan.  was that you megan who took the picture of the ladybug & the ring??? well, anyway i thought it was a neat idea so i tried to replicate it....gosh another big word....replicate.  why i chose my wedding rings i'll never know.  to be honest i haven't worn them in along time.  i just grabbed them.  turns out my ladybug was not real cooperative.  she just sat there.  i wanted her to crawl on top of the rings.  atleast move a little.   something.  anything.  so i finally gave up.  she won.  she proved to be more stubborn than me.  when i down loaded the pictures to my computer, i laughed so hard when i saw her face.  look at it.  look closely.  have you ever seen such a sour puss???  lol.  it looks almost like i painted it on there myself.  like it's not real but trust me it's real.  i'm sure it's some kind of defense thing to protect her out in the wild.  you scare off the bad guys with her mean face.  what struck me funniest was the irony of the whole picture.  i'm not gonna try to explain it.  i'm probably the only person in the whole world that would actually get it so i'll just spare you.  it made me laugh though and we all know there's beauty in laughter......

i wanted to share this picture too.  i just loved it.  look at the mean little eyes on this ladybug too!!!  i guess i've never really taken the time to look closely at a ladybugs face before.  i'm shocked.  anyway, this is ryan holding the ladybug he caught.  obviously she's scare bc she won't put out her legs but i loved the lighting in this picture and i loved that you could see all the detials in his hand.  just too cute. 


  1. Oh Sue, I love the pictures! I did take some pictures with my ring when a little lady bug decided to make an appearance. I like how they are so tiny it brings the world's view so small to see the details we usually miss. Your rings, by the way, are very beautiful and they worked as a great "side focal point" for the not so happy lady bug. She was probably thinking "I didn't want my picture taken anyway!" or "why did you put me in this corral?!" lol

  2. i thought it was you megan but couldn't remember exactly. you know how it is when you get old. lol. anyway i loved the idea. you're so creative. i think she was mad bc she was stuck...plain and simple. silly little thing...she forgot we're never really truely stuck....all she had to do was spread her wings and fly.....

  3. I love the photos!


  4. yayyyyyyyyyyy MANGO! you're one of my followers now!!! i was waitin for you to jump to the dark side. lol. thanks for loving my photos. love you mango!!!!
