Be still & know that I am God...Psalm 46:10

Monday, November 8, 2010

who turned the lights out........'s 6:54 pm and it feels like it should be midnight already.  i despise day-light savings time.  i love fall but hate the fact that they have to ruin it by making it dark so early.  ughhhhhhh.  i guess there's no sense in whining.  it won't do any good.  i've decided to go back to my "beauty" pictures.  i miss my camera and as usual need something else to focus on.  i think the first day of winter is december 21st or 22nd.  that's also the shortest day of the year....a turning point.  i think i'll try to take a picture each day till then......

this is a mum that my church got me while i was in the hospital.  love the colors.  just B*e*A*u*T*i*F*u*L.......


  1. I look forward to seeing your little bit of sunshine each day until then! There is beauty in everything God made and I know you will findit!

  2. thanks fredda! and you're absolutely right...there is beauty in everything God made we just have to be willing to see it!
