Be still & know that I am God...Psalm 46:10

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

mighty is the oak.......

.........when i first bought my house it was nothing but a hayfield.  no trees.  just grass and a lot of those huge thorny weeds.  it took forever to get rid of the weeds and even longer for the trees that i planted to start growing.  my big joke was that by the time the trees were big enough to offer some shade, i'd be too old to enjoy it.  meaning older people get chilly faster bc their skin is so thin....or maybe it's their blood that's so thin. idk. and don't say a word megan!  anywayssss, i had great hopes for my trees.  i have two maples in the front and two in the back.  i absolutely those maples trees that turn orange on the outside and yellow on the inside.  that's what i wanted.  well, apparently i bought the wrong kind.  they've grown big & strong but they are stubborn and resist changing colors each fall.  when they finally decide to change they turn red which is ok i guess but not what i wanted.   is it possible to be disappointed in a tree???  yeah, but i won't say it too loud.  wouldn't want to hurt their feelings.  i am bound and determine to find a tree like i want and i know just where i'm going to plant it when i find it.  until then my favorite tree in my yard is my oak tree.  i like it's shape....sorta triangular.  it tries reallllly hard to change pretty colors.   the one thing that i struggle with is it's branches.  they're are wild.  they go in every different direction.   and the branches' branches'  have branches.  understand??? lol.  i trimmed off some of the lower branches last year or the year before.   what a job.  but look what i found when i was taking pictures this morning.....a smiley face.  my oak tree was smiling at me.  and see you thought i was crazy when i said my trees had feelings.  silly you. but seriously, oak trees are know for their strength and that's why i chose it for my subject today.  there is infinite beauty in strength........ 

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