Be still & know that I am God...Psalm 46:10

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

wow what a day...... what was so special about it??? nothing really.  just had my feelings hurt twice in the matter of a couple hours.  maybe i need to quit being so darn sensitive huh.  need to toughin up or something.  anything.  the first offender??? the hospital where i'm having my cardiac ablation done.  today was my "preadmission" day.  in other words...."how you gonna pay your bill" day.  now the plan is for me to spend the night.  i'll be out in less than 24 hours so technically it's still considered an outpatient procedure.  i want you to take a wild guess at how much this little outpatient procedure costs.  come on.  just a take a stab at it.  did i hear $5,000???  oh wait....did someone say $10,000???  no, no...keep goin.  $20,000???  getting closer.  no don't tell me.....$30,000???  not quite.  give up yet???  oh ok.  i'll tell ya.  THIRTY SIX THOUSAND DOLLARS!  can anybody say OMG???  or how bout WTF???  i can.......OMG & yes WTF???  i almost fell off the chair.  told the lady....ummmmm, i don't think i can do that.  even with the insurance covering 70% i just couldn't fathom what i'd owe.  when it was all said and done....when all the "out-of-pocket expenses" and "deductibles" and everything else was calculated, my part of the hospital bill will be $2450.  wow...what a deal.  they were so kind as to set me up with a payment plan.  first payment due today.  mind you none of that includes the dr's fees or the anesthesiologist fees....which are subject to my deductible.  and i'm not real sure why i'd be having an anesthesiologist fee when the plan is for me to be awake the whole time.  i know a little secret they don't think i know....nurses can do iv conscious sedation without an anesthesiologist around.  hmmmmmm.  so needless to say my feelings were extremely hurt by all this horrible talk of copays, deductibles, out-of-pocket expenses...blah, blah, blah.  but i need it done and i AM grateful that i have insurance.  so i'll just suck it up and go on.  i have a feeling the hospital has no intentions of apologizing for hurting me so deeply.  as for the second offense of my day.  a friend hurt my feelings.  i was just starting to get over the shock of the first assualt when...bam.  i'll blame it on myself tho.  i shouldn't care so much.  bc that's what happens when you get your feelings hurt.  and i'm more upset by this then anything some big ole bad hospital can dish out at me.  money doesn't matter.  people do.  family & friends do.  so anyway now i feel a little sadder.  it's already been an incredibly "fantastic" week.  this was just the cherry on the top.  could've sworn i ordered my week without cherries.  oh well.  tomorrow's another day.  right???????


  1. Holy cow! Ok I can't touch that! I'll be thankful with my $500 and some dollar bill from my little heart if I'll go back to the doctor for anything for a little while, I'm still paying for that and shots, yes SHOTS! A couple more hundred dollars. I could have done them myself now I know how (we learned that in class today!) :)

  2. ughhhhh. don't remind me. i haven't even gotten my bill yet for the heart monitor. kinda forgot about that. oh well. not gonna worry about it. just pay what i can. and since you just learned to give shots today, do you think you could actually give yourself a shot??? not me. i don't think i could do it. guess i'm just a wiener.

  3. Sorry to hear your feelings got hurt, Sue! Hopefully your friend apoligized and you accepted.

    And for both of yall... YES you can give yourself a shot. Even if you are a weiner. How do I know this? Because I did it (four times a day) and I wave the weiner flag. You would be amazed at what you can do when it comes to your health! Have faith in yourselves! :O)

  4. nobody needs to apologize. i just need to learn to not be so sensitive. sometimes i read too much into things. i'm an over analyzer from way back. soooo....MY BAD! lol. i'll get over it.

    as for the shots, guess i could do it if i HAD to. really had to. i don't like giving shots to ppl i know bc i don't like hurting them. but i give my sister her depo shot every 3 months. at first i hated it but i've eventually gotten used to. so i guess you do what you have to. just hope i don't ever have to give myself shots. lol.
