Be still & know that I am God...Psalm 46:10
Thursday, October 28, 2010
mirror, mirror on the wall.......
..........who's the fairest of them all??? betcha thought i was gonna say me huh. not hardly. i think we expect mirrors to be a reflection of the truth. you should be able to stand in front of a mirror and see reality. the problem is that the reality reflected back is often distorted. not only by the actual craftmanship of the mirror but by the person standing in front of it. we all know mirrors come in all shapes and sizes and different degrees of quality. absolutely LOVE those mirrors that make you look long and skinny. lol. but is it reality??? nope. it's distorted. and we've all seen those people out in public who we just know without a doubt that they couldn't have looked in the mirror before they left the house. when in reality they did...and heck yeah they thought they looked good. it's all about perception. how WE see ourselves. what do i see when i look in the mirror??? depends on the day. some days i think i look ok. most of the time it's the hypercritical self-conscious little girl that stares back at me....even at the age of 40. honestly, when does she grow up and move out??? but so many times when i stand in front of the mirror the same words that have echoed in my ears for ages come rushing're fat, you're ugly, you're not good enough, not important enough. now i get to add wrinkles and gray hair to the list of things staring back at me in the mirror. lol. but is that reality??? is it the truth??? maybe the gray hair and wrinkles part but not the other stuff. the mirror lies. it lied to snow white's stepmom and it lies to us. i'm more than the sum of my parts. i'm more than love handles and thighs that are too big. i'm more than crows feet and a pointy nose. and i'm definately more than gray hair & wrinkles. the mirror doesn't "see" what's inside me. it never tells the whole story. i think instead of lookin into the mirror for validation of self-worth a more accurate reflection of who we are is in our children. and that includes the good, the bad & the ugly. bc if we want to take credit for the good, we also have to acknowledge and take credit for the not-so-good. before i go any further i want to say that i know there are people out there with children who have problems like autism and such. who deal with behavioral issues day in and day out despite being the best parents they can be. and i also realize that all children have different types of personalities. but i do believe no matter what, they reflect the best and worst in us. there are things my kids have done that have made me cringe and i thought gee i know where they got that i see how my husband can be short-tempered and impatient with them sometimes and how they react to him in the same way. and he wonders why. they react totally different with me bc i interact with them differently. we teach our kids the basics. how to be kind or how not to be kind. do you stomp the little bug on the side walk or do you help him back to the grass??? do you hold the door for somebody or let it slam in their face??? they pick up on everything we do and don't do. they are a reflection of us. and the proof is in the pudding. when i doubt myself....when the voices in my head scream maybe you really are that bad....when i look in the mirror and think ughhhhhhhhh...i need to look instead to my children. they are living proof of all that's good in me. they are the mirror that reflects "who" i am. when samantha looks at me and tells me i'm beautiful....that's what i am if only in her eyes. when people see what a good person christian is, they're seeing a part of me. and when the ladies gush over ryan bc he's held the door for them, i smile on the inside bc i know i taught him that. do i take credit for all that's good in them??? no, most of it's comes by the grace of God. but they spend the majority of their time with me & i feel like i have the biggest impact on how they turn out. so therefore i also take credit for some of their short-comings....not that there's many. lol. but our children are like mirrors that we walk past day in and day out. we get so busy and so used to them being there that we forget to truly "look" at them. we forget that if we slow down & look, we can catch a glimpse of our own reflections and that the truth is ours to see if we really want it. that is something we may never find in a distorted piece of glass hanging from a wall......
this is a note i got home from ryan's teachers last week. i have always been my own worst i'm guessing most of us are. for alot of reasons that go wayyyy back i have never had the best self-esteem either. so between that and some other things goin on in my life i struggle with doubting myself. when i saw this note it made my day. i couldn't be more proud of the wonderful little person he has turned out to be. it's also a reminder of everything right that i'm doing in my life and it couldn't have come at a better time.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
TOTO, I DON'T THINK WE'RE IN KANSAS ANYMORE....., definately not kansas. more like winston-salem. went with samantha on her field trip to old salem today. it's been probably more than 10 years since i've been there so i was actually excited about going. i'm not really a field-trip kinda person. i always go but i don't necessarily enjoy it. shhhhhhh...don't tell my kids. i go for them. i just hate the whole concept of following fifty cars behind a smoking school bus going 45 miles an hour just to go some where for an hour then turn right back around. but anywaysss i love old salem and like i said was looking forward to goin. well it took an hour and half to get there. when we finally got there we stood outside the bus for another 45 mins while the teachers decided how they were gonna split the groups. when the groups were finally divided it was time to go to the bathroom.....all 80 kids at one time. everything was just really unorganized. nobody knew where they were going or what exactly they were doing. we got to see 2 houses and then it was time to rush back to the start so we could see a 15 min puppet show. after that it was time for our "scheduled" tour of one of the churches. part of our group got there before we did so they started without us. lol. do i sound like i'm whining??? if i don't then i'm not doin my job yet. so anyway now it's lunch time. we were supposed to eat at 12:30 but the other class still had all the picnic tables. we had to find somewhere else to eat. most of the kids had to sit on the ground. me, samantha & her friend beat the little rugrats to the bench....hehehehee. finally lunch is over and the teacher tells us we can go off on our own in our groups. yayyyy. we just had to meet back at the main building by 2:30. so i have samantha and this other little girl. we spent forever in the gift shop deciding what to buy. i had to buy samantha's little friend something bc she didn't have any money. that was my good dead for the day. we went to the old tavern and the vogle house which was nice bc it was just us three and an older couple. we went into the little merchant shop. as we were goin in i hear this blaring noise over some intercom outside. i didn't pay any attention to it like the rocket scientist that i am. while we were in the shop i took out my phone to check the time. i knew we were gettin close to 2:30. i had a "newsflash" alert from fox 8 on there saying there was a tornado warning out for forsyth county. for a split second, i thought to myself....gee, are we in forsyth county??? duhhhhh. i started out the door and a lady stops me. she told me indeed there was a tornado warning out. that's what the siren was for. i said....well, ok but i need to have the kids back to their school bus by 2:30. she just shrugged her shoulders and said ok. so i get no more than 2 houses down and this little old woman right out of the 18th century comes barreling out the door and tells me i need to get in the house. i said....but i need to get the kids back....she wasn't hearing nothing about it. she said we needed to get in the house NOW. one of the other parents who was inside must've heard us bc he stepped out and told me that they had spotted a tornado and that part of the class was already inside the house. i got the girls and went in. that's when mass hysteria set in. kids were crying. when samantha saw them crying she started crying. they made us get in the basement of this very very old house. it was actually pretty cool. i felt safer there than any place i've ever been during a tornado warning. here we are in a house well over 200 years old...obviously it's weathered a few storms in it's time. samantha wasn't so convinced but i just loved on her and after about 20 mins they let us out. when we got back outside the rain had died down to just a drizzle. that lasted all of about 4 mins then the bottom fell out again. by the time we made it back to the main building we were all soaked. then they wouldn't let us leave again! held hostage in old salem....sounds like some lifetime movie-of-the-week. lol. idk if there was another tornado warning or what happened but they made us get in this large room, closed all the doors and wouldn't even let us go to the bathroom. finallyyyyy after another 30 or 40 mins we were told "the warning".....whatever warning that was had been lifted and we were allowed to leave. thank you Jesus. i think next time i'm just staying home. of course then i would've been torn out of frame knowing samantha was there and i wasn't with her. so never mind. it worked out just fine. i'll just have to bring my ruby slippers next time and maybe an umbrella.......
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Tuesday, October 26, 2010
wow what a day...... what was so special about it??? nothing really. just had my feelings hurt twice in the matter of a couple hours. maybe i need to quit being so darn sensitive huh. need to toughin up or something. anything. the first offender??? the hospital where i'm having my cardiac ablation done. today was my "preadmission" day. in other words...."how you gonna pay your bill" day. now the plan is for me to spend the night. i'll be out in less than 24 hours so technically it's still considered an outpatient procedure. i want you to take a wild guess at how much this little outpatient procedure costs. come on. just a take a stab at it. did i hear $5,000??? oh wait....did someone say $10,000??? no, no...keep goin. $20,000??? getting closer. no don't tell me.....$30,000??? not quite. give up yet??? oh ok. i'll tell ya. THIRTY SIX THOUSAND DOLLARS! can anybody say OMG??? or how bout WTF??? i can.......OMG & yes WTF??? i almost fell off the chair. told the lady....ummmmm, i don't think i can do that. even with the insurance covering 70% i just couldn't fathom what i'd owe. when it was all said and done....when all the "out-of-pocket expenses" and "deductibles" and everything else was calculated, my part of the hospital bill will be $2450. wow...what a deal. they were so kind as to set me up with a payment plan. first payment due today. mind you none of that includes the dr's fees or the anesthesiologist fees....which are subject to my deductible. and i'm not real sure why i'd be having an anesthesiologist fee when the plan is for me to be awake the whole time. i know a little secret they don't think i know....nurses can do iv conscious sedation without an anesthesiologist around. hmmmmmm. so needless to say my feelings were extremely hurt by all this horrible talk of copays, deductibles, out-of-pocket expenses...blah, blah, blah. but i need it done and i AM grateful that i have insurance. so i'll just suck it up and go on. i have a feeling the hospital has no intentions of apologizing for hurting me so deeply. as for the second offense of my day. a friend hurt my feelings. i was just starting to get over the shock of the first assualt when...bam. i'll blame it on myself tho. i shouldn't care so much. bc that's what happens when you get your feelings hurt. and i'm more upset by this then anything some big ole bad hospital can dish out at me. money doesn't matter. people do. family & friends do. so anyway now i feel a little sadder. it's already been an incredibly "fantastic" week. this was just the cherry on the top. could've sworn i ordered my week without cherries. oh well. tomorrow's another day. right???????
Monday, October 25, 2010
.......i've got three followers now! lol...amanda & megan are here now too. yayyyyyyy!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
MY KNIGHT IN SHINING ARMOR..... five foot two and drives a purple mini-van. she's been slaying my dragons for as long as i can remember. and you did hear me right....i said "she". "she" is my sister. my protector. my defender. when we were growing up i never had to worry about fighting anybody. my sister fought my fights for me. she protected me from my brother and anybody else stupid enough to mess with me. in my eyes she's always been 10 foot tall and bullet proof. she was never afraid of anybody or anything. i think it's genetic (unfortunately i think i was busy doing something the day they were handing out that gene & i got missed). but when she was about 8 yrs old she came home one day and told my grandmom that some boy in the neighborhood had been picking on her. the boy was dumb enough to come to the playground across the street from our house later on that day. so my granny, who mind you was barely 5 ft tall herself, went over to the playground, got the boy, told my sister to go pick out a stick and proceeded to make the boy stand there while she instructed my sister to beat him with the stick. lol. try that one today. he never bothered my sister again! anywayssssss....the reason i bring it up is that i needed my sister today and in true fashion she came to my rescue. wheels a blazin and gravel flying. i was laying down today bc i thought i might have to work (still might have to). about 2 o'clock i heard somebody pull in the drive. by the time i got up to see who it was the car had backed out and parked on the side of the road. two men got out of the car and one started walking to the house. i didn't know who they were so i called my sister real quick. i're thinkin what was she gonna do for me. well, i thought if i atleast had somebody on the phone they would know that somebody else knew they were there. she finally picked up on the fifth ring. told her to stay on the line that some guy i didn't know was coming to my door. i was stupid and actually opened up the door. next time i won't. but he asked if my husband was home. he said....i can't remember his name but they call him "shitty". yeah i know. if the shoe fits right. lol. it rhymes with smitty. i was stupid again and he's at work. duhhhh. the guy said they had run out of gas and wanted to know if i had any he could buy?!?!? i said...ummm, no! then thought, do i look like a friggin gas station. sounded a little suspicious to me. so he leaves and my sisters asks me what he was doing now. i said walking back to his car. she want me to come over????? oh, i'm coming over now. she lives about 5 mins away. she was at my house in 4.3 seconds flat. she said she ran out of the house, jumped over her gravel pile, flew down her driveway and thought "damn, i should've brought my gun!" the whole way over! lol. i love her! when i let her in she said....YEAH, WHAT ARE THEY GONNA DO NOW!!!.....all 5 ft 2 inches of her! and believe me she meant every word of it. and i love her for it. these guys sat outside for about 15 mins when 3 of randolph county's finest citizens finally pulled up with their beer cans in hand and a one gallon container of gas. took 5 men to put one gallon of gas in the car. flippin rocket scientists. did they ligitimately run out of gas??? idk. or were they up to something else??? that i don't know either. but what i do know is that you can't trust anybody anymore. except unless they're 5-2 and come to your rescue in a purple mini-van. ahhhhhhh, my childhood dragon slayer and hero for always.........
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Wednesday, October 20, 2010
i've always loved halloween. love everything about it. the ghosts. the goblins. trick~or~treating. carving pumpkins. we never got to carve many pumpkins when i was little. cost too much. my grandmom, who grew up in the great depression, would always say.....don't worry hun, we'll get a pumpkin after halloween when they go on clearance! lol. and i wonder where i get my frugile ways from. when i was old enough to buy pumpkins on my own, it was nothing for me to get 3 or 4 pumpkins and carve them all by myself. i haven't done as many since ryan and samantha were born but i still love it. i had the best time sitting out there yesterday with them. it's therapy for me. i bet the pumpkin doesn't feel the same way huh. poor thing. the smell of pumpkins when they're lit up. just i've got an extra one stashed that i'm gonna carve when the kids are off to school and i'm all by myself. group therapy is ok. put i prefer one~on~one therapy better.........
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i've always loved halloween. love everything about it. the ghosts. the goblins. trick~or~treating. carving pumpkins. we never got to carve many pumpkins when i was little. cost too much. my grandmom, who grew up in the great depression, would always say.....don't worry hun, we'll get a pumpkin after halloween when they go on clearance! lol. and i wonder where i get my frugile ways from. when i was old enough to buy pumpkins on my own, it was nothing for me to get 3 or 4 pumpkins and carve them all by myself. i haven't done as many since ryan and samantha were born but i still love it. i had the best time sitting out there yesterday with them. it's therapy for me. i bet the pumpkin doesn't feel the same way huh. poor thing. the smell of pumpkins when they're lit up. just i've got an extra one stashed that i'm gonna carve when the kids are off to school and i'm all by myself. group therapy is ok. put i prefer one~on~one therapy better.........
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
i have a dream.....
......or should i say i "had" a dream. not once. not twice. but over and over again. it wasn't one of my panicky dreams that i seem to forever be getting stuck in. it was a simple dream. a dream about a chair. heard me right. a chair. but this was no ordinary chair. it belonged to my mom's grandmom. her and my mom were very close but she died when my mom was just little. even still, i grew up listening to stories about her. she was a hungarian gypsy who immigrated to the united states. it's her i have to thank for the gypsy blood that courses thru my mom's veins. her family traveled with the circus and were trapeze artists. apparently she was pretty fiesty and would jump the ship back to her home land when the urge struck her. she was arrested for boot-leggin back in the prohibition. i guess some people might be embarrassed by that but not me. i think it showed her strength. she did what she had to in order to survive and support her family in hard times. something the woman in our family have been doing for generations. but anywaysssss...back to the chair. some how my mom got it from my grandmom. to be honest, i'm not sure that i ever remember a time when my mom didn't have it. it's been that long......
........there was also a little girl in my dream. i'll bet you'll never guess who it was!!! lol....i was gonna try to keep you in suspense but i'll just tell ya. was samantha. she had on this brown dress with pink flowers all over it. it's my favorite dress that she has right now. and let me tell ya...princess leia has some dresses. but this's my favorite .
in my dream, samantha is wearing this dress and sitting in her great-great-grandmom's chair in the middle of her grandmother's pasture. i told my mom about my dream yesterday and she said...well you should take her picture. she understood the pasture part but didn't quite get the chair part. she pointed to a wicker chair she has sitting on her porch and said i could use that one if i wanted to. i said....ummmm, NO, it has to be your grandmom's chair. so after school, i drug poor samantha over to her haha's house, made her put on her sunday go-to-meeting dress, pulled her hair out of her hair-bow and forced her to pose on a chair she had no clue about. ahhhhh...the things we do for love. she was such a good sport about usual. in my dream, the grass in the pasture is long. well, the little dream-maker in my head that likes to torture me didn't account for the fact that my mom now has cows in the pasture who have eaten the grass down to the nub. so for that reason and for fear of being stampeeded by a herd of teenage cattle, we chose to take the pictures in my mom's front yard. so here ya have it. my dream come to life. i guess sometimes you don't have to have your eyes open to see "beauty". sometimes it finds us in a dream...... 

Wednesday, October 13, 2010
.......why do i hate to exercise so much??? whyyyyyy??? i know it's what i'm supposed to do. i know it's what i need to do. my scale and my clothes tell me that every day but gezzzzz...i hate it so! i already walked this morning....a mile over @ my mom's house. my "intentions" were to come home and exercise with one of my dvd's. walking is great and everything but i'm not exactly sure how much it does for you physically. me and my mom walked 3 miles 3-4 times a week the entire time the kids were in school last year and some how i managed to gain 10 pounds. might've been the donuts. i'm not really sure. but anywayssss....i should be exercising right now. instead i'm sitting on my butt bloggin. ughhhhh! there are some physical benefits to bloggin though. my butt may be expanding but my fingers are nice and trim! lol. my fingers get a better workout each day than my body does all year.....
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
meet my love, my life and my laughter........
this was a blog i posted to on wordpress back in june when i was trying to figure out which site i liked better. i still haven't decided. one day i like day i like blogspot. i think what i like more about blogspot is the ability to play with different templetes and change things up. you can be a little more creative here. but for some crazy reason i keep being drawn back to wordpress. so idk know what i'm doing. lol. as usual.....
…….guess it was probably back in january that i made a decision. i had been having a really hard time with “things”. to be honest this had been goin on for a couple years but i guess maybe in january i just got tired enough to do something about it. i was havin trouble seeing the good in things. overwhelmed with the uncontrollable. one day i was looking around this site and found a woman who posted a picture every day and wrote a little something about it. hers were random pictures much like my random thoughts. but i did think what a neat idea it would be to try to take a picture of something beautiful everyday. i love taking pictures & my theory was that if i was continually “looking” for something beautiful that i could retrain my brain to see the good instead of focusing on the not-so-good things. i lasted about 40 days or so. it was time consuming but it worked. i did miss a couple days but even on those days i was “looking”. some days were harder than others. when i was strugglin to find something i fell back on three things that i consider the most beautiful of all… children. hence, the picture above. they are my love, my life & my laughter. from right to left there is samantha. she is my love. my middle child. full of beauty, hugs & kisses. then there’s christian….my life. when God gave me christian, he gave me my life back. he’s my strength. my friend and my joy. last but not least is ryan… laughter. my pure pleasure. he was a terrible baby. lol. but has turned out to be wonderful little person. his heart is the biggest of all my children. he’s a helper & a giver. and probably one of the funniest kids i have ever met. my plan is to pick up here where i left off on my myspace blog. seeking out beauty so that i never fail to “see” how fortunate i truly am…..
…….guess it was probably back in january that i made a decision. i had been having a really hard time with “things”. to be honest this had been goin on for a couple years but i guess maybe in january i just got tired enough to do something about it. i was havin trouble seeing the good in things. overwhelmed with the uncontrollable. one day i was looking around this site and found a woman who posted a picture every day and wrote a little something about it. hers were random pictures much like my random thoughts. but i did think what a neat idea it would be to try to take a picture of something beautiful everyday. i love taking pictures & my theory was that if i was continually “looking” for something beautiful that i could retrain my brain to see the good instead of focusing on the not-so-good things. i lasted about 40 days or so. it was time consuming but it worked. i did miss a couple days but even on those days i was “looking”. some days were harder than others. when i was strugglin to find something i fell back on three things that i consider the most beautiful of all… children. hence, the picture above. they are my love, my life & my laughter. from right to left there is samantha. she is my love. my middle child. full of beauty, hugs & kisses. then there’s christian….my life. when God gave me christian, he gave me my life back. he’s my strength. my friend and my joy. last but not least is ryan… laughter. my pure pleasure. he was a terrible baby. lol. but has turned out to be wonderful little person. his heart is the biggest of all my children. he’s a helper & a giver. and probably one of the funniest kids i have ever met. my plan is to pick up here where i left off on my myspace blog. seeking out beauty so that i never fail to “see” how fortunate i truly am…..
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