Be still & know that I am God...Psalm 46:10

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


.......why do i hate to exercise so much???  whyyyyyy???  i know it's what i'm supposed to do.  i know it's what i need to do.  my scale and my clothes tell me that every day but gezzzzz...i hate it so!  i already walked this morning....a mile over @ my mom's house.  my "intentions" were to come home and exercise with one of my dvd's.  walking is great and everything but i'm not exactly sure how much it does for you physically.  me and my mom walked 3 miles 3-4 times a week the entire time the kids were in school last year and some how i managed to gain 10 pounds.  might've been the donuts.  i'm not really sure.  but anywayssss....i should be exercising right now.  instead i'm sitting on my butt bloggin.  ughhhhh! there are some physical benefits to bloggin though.   my butt may be expanding but my fingers are nice and trim!  lol.  my fingers get a better workout each day than my body does all year.....

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