Be still & know that I am God...Psalm 46:10

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

meet my love, my life and my laughter........

this was a blog i posted to on wordpress back in june when i was trying to figure out which site i liked better.  i still haven't decided.  one day i like day i like blogspot.  i think what i like more about blogspot is the ability to play with different templetes and change things up.  you can be a little more creative here.  but for some crazy reason i keep being drawn back to wordpress.  so idk know what i'm doing.  lol.  as usual.....

…….guess it was probably back in january that i made a decision.  i had been having a really hard time with “things”.  to be honest this had been goin on for a couple years but i guess maybe in january i just got tired enough to do something about it.  i was havin trouble seeing the good in things.  overwhelmed with the uncontrollable.  one day i was looking around this site and found a woman who posted a picture every day and wrote a little something about it.  hers were random pictures much like my random thoughts.  but i did think what a neat idea it would be to try to take a picture of something beautiful everyday.  i love taking pictures & my theory was that if i was continually “looking” for something beautiful that i could retrain my brain to see the good instead of focusing on the not-so-good things.  i lasted about 40 days or so.  it was time consuming but it worked.  i did miss a couple days but even on those days i was “looking”.  some days were harder than others.  when i was strugglin to find something i fell back on  three things that i consider the most beautiful of all… children.  hence, the picture above.  they are my love, my life & my laughter.  from right to left there is samantha.  she is my love.  my middle child.  full of beauty, hugs & kisses.   then there’s christian….my life.  when God gave me christian, he gave me my life back.  he’s my strength.  my friend and my joy.  last but not least is ryan… laughter.   my pure pleasure.  he was a terrible baby.  lol.  but has turned out to be wonderful little person.  his heart is the biggest of all my children.  he’s a helper & a giver.  and probably one of the funniest kids i have ever met.  my plan is to pick up here where i left off on my myspace blog.  seeking out beauty so that i never fail to “see”  how fortunate i truly am…..


  1. Oh Sue, I love it! The whole idea of commiting yourself to taking a photo each day was such a neat idea. Very inspiring! What a neat way to re-train yourself. Thats the beauty of a child, I think, because they always see the beautiful first, with their curious eyes and hands. Welcome to blogspot, and I hope you're here to stay!

  2. it was a neat idea and i was so excited that the theory actually worked. when the pressures on to produce a picture of something beautiful every day you are constantly searching. and you do focus less on the not-so-beautiful. today was the first day in a long time that i picked up my camera. didn't take many pics this summer which is really unusual for me. i made up for it today though. i'm doin a little editing right now and will hopefully have some thing "beautiful" to share soon. thanks for being my first follower!

  3. I anxiously await your photos! What program do you use to edit with?

    Oh yeh, I added a few more pics to my last post! (Soccer Star)

  4. i'm gonna try to get some of them up this morning. i have so many favorites tho and it's so hard for me to narrow them down. lol. i'm crazy....i use a combination of an hp program that came with my computer and then photobucket. right now tho photobucket is driving me bonkers! takes sooooo long for pictures to upload. arghhhh! what i really need to be doing in getting in the shower. i need to run up to the hospital and pick up the stuff for the walk on saturday. i waste so much time on this computer!!!! i'll check out your new pics when i get back.
